These suckers are amoeboid and potentially amoeboflagellate, thereby leaving me rather clueless with regards to their identity. Help would be much appreciated! And I know some of you real protistologists read this. You're not as anonymous as you think =P So go help me ID some of this stuff, so we can have more excuses to learn (and blog) about obscure organisms. Please? ^_^
A few tiny blobs with crap (pseudopodia) oozing out:

Seriously, what the fuck are these things!?

Amoebozoan (most likely) with what appear to be acanthopodia. Probably not a cercozoan, right?

Another random small amoeba...

And another. Was trying to stalk it to see it eat, but no success.

I'd ramble off some stories about them, but again, I have no idea what they are. Probably could make up some cool 'factoids', but that's not really why we're here, is it? As appealing as academic fanfiction seems in principle...
I know I have some comments to respond to here, as well as VERY LONG OVERDUE posts. Ummm, they're in preparation, seriously. Unfortunately, there's some more high-profile 'submissions' queued up as well, such as lab exams (labelling crap in chick embryos o_O) and multitudes of assignments, and an eternally data-craving PI (aren't they all?).
Looking forward to tomorrow evening though: Carl Zimmer's talk on evolution of disease!
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