MM26 - current
Congrats to our past winners!
MM25 - Euglyphid in mitosis - anonymous
MM24 - Warnowiid ocellus - anonymous
MM23 - Braarudosphaera - Lars Dietz
MM22 - Joenoides parabasal fibres - Paul
MM21 - Allogromiid gen. sp. - Paul
MM20 - Colacium - Johan
MM19 - Thaumatomonas - Johan
MM18 - Chondromyces (myxobacteria) - niun, Paul
MM17 - Spironucleus - Paul
MM16 - Staurojoenia - Opisthokont
MM15 - Pochenia(Acrasid) - Opisthokont
MM14 - Lana (Komokian) - Neil
MM13 - Paleodictyon - Johan
MM12 - Auranticordis - no winner
MM11 - Rhizochromulina - Opisthokont
MM10 - Sorogena - Christopher Taylor
MM09 - Hoplonympha - Johan
MM08 - Smithsoninema (nematode) in Vanhoeffenella (foram) - Mark Petterson
MM07 - Haplosporidia - Johan
MM06 - Cochlosoma - Christopher Taylor
MM05 - Diplonemid - Opisthokont
MM04 - Euglypha - Opisthokont, Christopher Taylor
MM03 - Bicosoeca - Jan, (Alastair)
MM02 - Haptoglossa - no winner
MM01 - Streblomastix - Rosie Redfield
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5 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience