As for identification, I only have a faint idea for the most obvious ones. The rest stump me clueless. But I'll try. Any real protistologists out there, feel free to help out!
Plate I:
A - Test of some sort of amoeba. Euglyphid?
B-E - green algae of sorts
F-H - ? algae...
I - a young hypha emerging from an fungal spore (awww, so touching!)
J - ???
K - green algal like thing again
L - amoebozoan test?
Plate II:
A-C - green algae, although C may be some sort of photosynthetic excavate for all I know...
D - fungus?
E - generic round biflagellated algal thingie (probably as far as one can get without molecular analysis)
F - a spore?
G-H - amoebozoans
I - too small for a nematode I think... so perhaps a euglenid of some sort?
J - timelapse of some non-photosynthetic motile flagellated thingie
K - Euglyphid!
L - green algae of sorts
M - ??? Algae. Of sorts.
Someday I hope to fail less epically at this kind of thing. Perhaps is some protistologist out there is willing to train me. As a grad student. Or something... /explicit self-advertisement