Don't have time to blog this right now (off to protistology conference today -- will bring back lots of goodies!), but there's a new review paper about CNE out a couple weeks ago. It's paywalled at some rather obscure journal that an institution as big as UBC doesn't have access to, so here's a pdf y'all can [hopefully] access!
Lukes et al. 2011 IUBMB Life: How a Neutral Evolutionary Ratchet Can Build Cellular Complexity
I'm taking off to ISoP in Seattle - I might attempt to live tweet parts of it (as @ocelloid), so do follow us on twitter using the #isop11 hashtag! And for those of you who are gonna be there... let's see if you can find me ;-) (spoiler alert: Psi is a pseudonym. Seriously! o.O)
thanks for sharing the paper