
Sunday Protist – Trimastix marina

ResearchBlogging.orgBefore we begin, two things about [current] Trimastix marina – it has four flagella (not three) and is found in freshwater. The taxonomic author, Saville-Kent, is a bit notorious for some rather sketchy descriptions, and Trimastix is one of his 'trophies'. That said, it may be that Kent did actually see a three-flagellated and/or marine thing like this and it just hasn't been found or published yet. But for the time being, feel free to point and laugh at the double misnomer.

This past fall I dumped a bunch of leaves in a dish and kept them wet for a while. Turns out, the abundance and diversity of microbes and meiofauna thriving in that pile of dead leaves in your yard is quite amazing – all sorts of ciliates, myxomycetes (slime moulds), tardigrades, rotifers, springtails, flagellates, amoebae – you name it. Some of this world can be seen with a simple dissecting scope; it helps to put a coverslip or some other piece of glass on the wet leaves to see better. This coverslip is also great for investigating what lives on the surface of the rotting leaves. The other impressive detail was how quickly the leaf tissues rot away, after a couple months leaving little more than the bare skeleton of the vascular system. Dead leaves are the whale falls of the terrestrial microbiome.

Rotting tissues tend to have relatively low oxygen concentrations, and thus host some unique organisms. Among them was this peculiar flagellate that simply screamed "EXCAVATE" at the top of its lungs, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was:

Trimastix marina. The cell body is about 25-30µm, with a prominent anterior flagellum sticking out in front, and three smaller flagella trailing behind. The nucleus is the little blob at the very anterior tip of the cell, in front of a large circular food vacuole. At the very posterior tip is the contractile vacuole characteristic of freshwater things in general. Along the side of the cell is an exceptionally conspicuous groove, through which one of the recurrent flagella runs – a characteristic feature of excavates. Anoxic, leaf litter moistened with ample water for a couple of weeks. 40x obj, DIC

The part that screamed "EXCAVATE" at me was the distinctive groove (namesake of the supergroup) along the side of the cell. You can often discern it in other excavates like Jakobids, Retortamonads and Carpediemonas-like organisms (CLOs; hey, it beats "Clade B"...), but here you don't even have to look hard. Curiously, the closely related oxymonads (see Streblo, Saccinobaculus) seem to have lost the groove, but that's another story.

Overview of 'basic' excavate cell types. Trimastix marina is the very distinctive one in the bottom middle. There's something distinctive and cute about its thick anterior flagellum and the way it moves. (Simpson et al. 2002 JEM)

Thus far, Trimastix may seem like your garden variety peculiar flagellate. But there's something universally eukaryotic you might have difficulty finding – a proper mitochondrion.

I mentioned earlier the sample was somewhat anoxic. It wasn't irrelevant, because I've never seen anything like this critter in regular pondwater or well-aerated soil. Like many of its excavate relatives, Trimastix has lost the necessity to maintain the elaborate complexity of aerobic pathways and their accompanying structures, like cristae. Furthermore, it lacks a mitochondrial genome. This led to the conclusion that Trimastix lacks anything mitochondrial altogether, and may have diverged prior to mitochondrial endosymbiosis – a perfectly reasonable assumption given the data at the time. This landed Trimastix (along with the better-known sister Oxymonads) a position in then-subkingdom/phylum Archezoa (Cavalier-Smith 1983)
[NB: Archezoa = 'beginning/early animals', not ArchaEzoa, which would be 'ancient animals'. He seems particular about that.]

Trimastix wasn't a major player in the Archezoa Hypothesis (wherein 'amitochondriate' lineages are contemporary representatives of pre-endosymbiotic eukaryotes) since it's rather obscure, but was still a piece of the puzzle. Eventually, better phylogenetic techniques and improved taxon sampling destroyed the Archezoa Hypothesis, particularly as mitochondrial genes and derived organelles (such as mitosomes and hydrogenosomes) were found. Trimastix's mitochondrial genes were found later than those of other anaerobes, perhaps owing to its obscurity – but they're there: mitochondrion-targetting genes in the nuclear genome (Hampl et al. 2008 PLoS ONE). Furthermore, the aftermath of mitochondrial reduction looks like a generic double-membrane bound blob in electron micrographs (Hampl & Simpson 2008 in Hydrogenosomes and Mitosomes: Mitochondria of Anaerobic Eukaryotes) – no wonder it was so hard to find!

All that's left of Trimastix's mitochondrion, as the eons of anaerobic existence devoured its need to maintain one. It is uncertain whether it produces hydrogen gas – which would make it a hydrogenosome rather than a mitosome – though at least some of the necessary genes seem to be present in the nuclear genome. (Hampl & Simpson 2008)

As an aside, there's no known case yet of a reduced mitochondrion that simply disappeared – in addition to aerobic respiration, eukaryotes have also become dependent upon it for some other vital metabolic pathways, such as those involving the Fe-S cluster. In fact, in at least one species of microsporidia, ATP is imported into the mitochondrial relic in order to keep the key metabolic pathways running. (I vaguely recall having written about this before, somewhere...)

Lastly, Trimastix is host to some lateral gene transfer for its glycolytic pathway – it appears to have picked up and replaced at least four of the eukaryotic genes with bacterial versions (Stechmann et al. 2006 BMC Evol Biol). There was a discussion somewhere on the blogosphere lately (Coyne's blog, IIRC) about the relative importance of LGT – it sure as hell does happen in eukaryotes as well, though not crazy enough to wreak havoc on the phylogenies.

And the rain hasn't stopped yet. But I can't skip a second night of sleep... as much as I'd love to keep blogging about stuff.

Hampl, V., Silberman, J., Stechmann, A., Diaz-Triviño, S., Johnson, P., & Roger, A. (2008). Genetic Evidence for a Mitochondriate Ancestry in the ‘Amitochondriate’ Flagellate Trimastix pyriformis PLoS ONE, 3 (1) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001383

Hampl, V, & Simpson, AGB (2008). Possible Mitochondria-Related Organelles in Poorly-Studied “Amitochondriate” Eukaryotes HYDROGENOSOMES AND MITOSOMES: MITOCHONDRIA OF ANAEROBIC EUKARYOTES DOI: 10.1007/7171_2007_107

SIMPSON, A., RADEK, R., DACKS, J., & O'KELLY, C. (2002). How Oxymonads Lost Their Groove: An Ultrastructural Comparison of Monocercomonoides and Excavate Taxa The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 49 (3), 239-248 DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2002.tb00529.x

Stechmann, A., Baumgartner, M., Silberman, J., & Roger, A. (2006). The glycolytic pathway of Trimastix pyriformis is an evolutionary mosaic BMC Evolutionary Biology, 6 (1) DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-6-101

1 comment:

  1. A lot of sweet, sweet excavate love and shout-out references to many friends! Good post.


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