
Mystery Micrograph #11

Shockingly enough (not really), the blogosphere's systematics god got the last one, which was Sporogena, a slime mould-esque ciliate! More on that sometime later, as I'm still rather swamped here (one more final). Let's have another one to guess. After Tuesday I won't be around to check comments until 04 Jan, so knock yourselves out. I intend to schedule random posts here and there in my absense, but may well not get around to it (other task 'debts' are more pressing...)

So here we go. Enjoy!

(to be referenced later)


  1. That looks an awful lot like Chlorarachnion!

  2. =D Image handpicked for that reason...

    (but no. ^_^)

  3. All of these micrographs are so 'purrty'. It's inspiring me to post some of my nicest microscopy pics on my blog... Now, I just need to find that really nice embryo pic I took a few days ago.

  4. I have no idea what it is, but it's inspiring me to write something about snot! :)

  5. Ok, hint time -- it's in the 'kingdom' sister to the kingdom Chlorarachnion is in (ie Rhizaria).

    Its evolutionary significance/curiosity is mentioned in Cavalier-Smith 2009 J Euk Microbiol.

  6. Well, that sounds like a stramenopile. My first thought (or rather my second, considering my first to be Chlorarachnion) was a labyrinthulid of some sort, but since those were the subject of a previous post, I suspect otherwise. So, Chlamydomyxa, perhaps?

  7. Getting really close! Wrong genus though...

  8. Hmm... how about Chrysosphaerella, then?

  9. Chrysamoeba. Which looks less like this than either of the other two I mentioned, at least from the Internet stuff I could find.

  10. I think that would have to be Rhizochrysis, then, since it is sometimes considered to be part of Chrysamoeba.

  11. Ok, close enough: Rhizochromulina

    Not gonna torture you with more ochrophyte digging...utterly confused about the taxonomy myself. Chrysophytes, Dictyochophyceans, same shit. Grrr phycology... (yes, I just ran into a few TC-S taxonomies of stramenopiles, and really wish I hadn't)


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