
Mystery Micrograph #05 hint

From my pond microforay: (Edit: the organism below is NOT the mystery organism. Follow the link below instead! I fail at making sense lately...)

The mystery organism is special with respect to this form of motion. That was a very massive hint.

Also, not this:

(Leander et al. 2001 Evolution)

The protist geeks among you better get it this time!


  1. Wait -- are you saying that it is not a euglenid?! It sure looks euglenoid from here.... Of course, if what you mean is that it is not the genus Euglena, I might not be able to get any further without keying the little bastard out. That will have to wait until Tuesday, as I have inexplicably left my protist ID stuff at the lab!

  2. It's not a EuglenID, yes. I wouldn't really ask anything involving keying out similar-looking things, as I hate keying shit out myself. Generally it's either major obscure groups, or some really distinctly special fucker.

    So we've ruled out Kinetoplastid, and ruled out Euglenid. It's somewhere in that phylogenetic neighbourhood, however... (very few choices left ^_^)

  3. For no good reason, I'm going to say it's Naegleria.

  4. Good guess, but no. It does look rather warped and amoeboid, but it's -another- discicristate. I think we have one group left at this point... ^_~

    Perhaps let's keep the guesses in one thread, if possible? (the OTHER one) just so everyone can see all the hints and responses in one sensible place...

    Ok, 'sensible place' is a foreign concept on this blog, but nevertheless... ^_^

  5. I think we have one group left at this point... ^_~

    So you're saying it's Postgaardi, then? :-P

  6. This one has more or less normal mitochondria... so no =P

    I never said to rule out EuglenoZOA... ^^


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