
100th post!

100th post, yay! Time for something silly, to celebrate:

Let's meet our new mascots, Cer Ratium (pun avoidance order in effect) and [insert witty name here] the Protoperidinium:

(ARGH my shitty computer just can't handle the elite memory whore that is ImageJ...)

Cer Ratium has a special attack: for the anime geeks among us, remember Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist? Yeah... this thing is gonna grow unrealistically long finger[nail] things to pierce opponents with...

And Protoperidinium ("Protoper"?) has this epic pallium attack where it casts a pseudopodious veil upon its opponents and digests them. Size advantages are useless against this one!

And now some of the other cast members: (mostly borne of lecture note margin doodles...)

Left -> right: T-phage riding E.coli, Psi, perpetually hammered EtOH, Partial [derivative], hNu, perpetually abused Neuron, a couple dimensions (R3 with the Projection Lance, mwahaha), Caffeine, cute lil' Kinesin and Dynein chillin on a 'tube (microtubule)... Dynein is holding up a clathrin-coated vesicle.

("Эх, прокачу!" is a reference to a Russian novel, Золотой Телёнок...)

Note: I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd. I am not a nerd...

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